Trail Ibiza - 3 Dias 2017

Competition Data

  • Date: 01/12/2017
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Eivissa
  • Time: 20:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 30/11/2017 20:00
  • Organiza: Trideporte
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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Trail Ibiza - 3 Dias 2017

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Entries confirmed before November 1, 2017 will receive a gift!

3 Días Trail Ibiza Prizing Details:

  • ULTRA IBIZA only (Saturday) 85 km – 80 €
  • All 3 days running the ULTRA IBIZA 85 km in the Stage 2 – 95 €
  • All 3 days running the 46-km race in the Stage 2 – 65 €
  • All 3 days running the 24-km race in the Stage 2 – 50 €

Prices of each stage alone:

  • Stage 1 Friday 1 December 10-km night-time run 10 €
  • Stage 2 Saturday 2 December 46-km run 50 €
  • Stage 2 Saturday 2 December 24-km run 30 €
  • Stage 3 Sunday 3 December 10-km run 10 €
  **If you do not have a federative trail running license you must also pay for insurance (5 € per stage or 10 € all three days).

Finishers of ULTRA IBIZA or ALL 3 DAYS will receive a sweatshirt !

Sign-up Comments

Travel in Autobus:

  • + 7€ Autobus Hostal Tarba - Es Cubells start 46 kms
  • + 7€ Autobus Hostal Tarba - Sant Josep start 24 kms
  • + 7€ Autobus Pista Can Mises - Hostal Tarba
  • Sunday will be transported free of charge of l'Hostal Tarba at the start of the third stage. 
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